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A faster schedule page

June 21st, 2016 (Revision 3), download as PDF

We’ve changed the engine that generates the results of the Schedule page. In the future, this will allow us to implement more complex filters, but it also provides a very nice immediate side-effect: it makes the Schedule page substantially faster to load.

This note describes those changes in full, and as usual you can contact support or your Technical Account Manager for further clarification.

Whoa! That was fast!

We released these changes a few days ago, so you may already have noticed the difference: the Schedule page is now significantly faster than it used to be. According to our metrics, it’s at least twice as fast, giving a page load time of 400ms on average.

Faster schedule page 1

Perhaps more important than the average is that the load time is now much more consistent. Previously, 5% of page loads took 8 seconds or more to complete. That meant that every so often, depending on the complexity of your filters and other factors, we gave you a less than ideal experience.

Not anymore! After these changes, we’ve improved those numbers, and now 99% of page loads take less than 1.6 seconds.

The cause of this improvement is that Mediagenix On-Demand now uses ElasticSearch under the hood, that’s a new engine that not only give us the performance boost we’re talking about, but also enable us to provide you with more filters very soon. We hope you enjoy (responsibly) the extra speed! We will keep on working to get those pesky load times down, so that you have more time to get on with what you want to be doing.


  • movida#4830 Migrate schedule filters to use ES