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Release notes

Our products are always getting better!


The new Catalogue is here!

Aug 7th, 2024

We are glad to present one of the biggest updates we have ever done in our product. As a continuation of the interface upgrade we started in the Schedule module and the Catalogue index, we have now tackled the Catalogue profile pages. This includes every section of every item in the Catalogue. Bye, bye, old interface.

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New filters, better bulk operations and readability

May 23rd, 2024

In the past we’ve communicated updates on an ad hoc basis. Starting in 2024 we’re changing how we communicate product updates. Going forward we will provide combined updates about all the new features, improvements, and product deprecations completed over the previous few months.

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Schedule now allows a user to save new changes in custom views

Jul 7th, 2023

Customisation is one of the key features of our Schedule module, offering great versatility to our clients when customising and saving different views to help them in their day-to-day work.

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New Brand and Asset metadata columns in Non-Linear entries

Feb 16th, 2023

This new release allows users to view more metadata information about Brands and Assets in a much more user-friendly way. So far, users have been able to filter the results they want to see in the grid view based on those metadata values.

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Better schedule overlapping alerts and assets assignment

Nov 21st, 2022

We at Mediagenix On-Demand get delighted when we deliver new features or improvements that instantly save a lot of time to our clients. Technology can be a great ally for some time-consuming tasks

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Better asset identification on Schedule entries

Nov 14th, 2022

Assets are one of the most significant parts of any schedule entry. This is why we are improving the different ways of handling them in Mediagenix On-Demand.

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Playlists improvements in the new Schedule page

Oct 3rd, 2022

While most of our customers are starting to use our brand new Schedule page's revamped design and customisable columns, filters and views, we have also been improving the Playlist features

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Edit multiple metadata groups and translations at once

Sep 7th, 2022

The KBBL TV technology team has been busy this hot summer and is delighted to bring you a new feature that will save you tons of clicks and time.

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Read-only metadata keys

Dec 7th, 2021

As a Christmas gift to all of our customers, we've made it possible to configure metadata keys to be read-only.

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Support TV days when querying the linear schedule

Aug 26th, 2021

We’ve updated the logic applied to API queries of the Catch-Up linear schedule, to add support for TV days.

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Group and sort your rights

Jun 25th, 2021

Earlier this year we [rolled out some nifty updates to the rights page]( aimed at helping you to easily answer questions about your catalog. Need to know what action features have rights for Europe in 2022? Filter until your heart's content with your content options.

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Set metadata when creating images

Jun 16th, 2021

Speaking with our customers, we identified areas for improvement in the image upload process. We wanted to make it more efficient when managing images and associated metadata, so we decided to allow you to do both of those things when uploading images. Let's take a look!

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The new rights page

Feb 15th, 2021

We are aware that some of you might want to use your available rights to drive scheduling decisions; that is, you might want to search the library of your existing rights to find content for the services you manage

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Improved costed runs and re-runs for catch-up

Feb 11th, 2021

Linear contracts often stipulate how many runs for a title (we call them transmissions) are covered by cost of the contract (we call them costed runs) and how many additional free runs are also included (we call them reruns)

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Towards the new Mediagenix On-Demand Catalog (Part 3)

Sep 24th, 2020

Last year we spent time speaking to a number of you in detail. From those conversations, we identified a set of visual and behavioural changes in the Mediagenix On-Demand Catalog that will improve the speed and efficiency with which you manage your content.

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Towards the new Mediagenix On-Demand Catalogue (Part 2)

Aug 8th, 2020

Last year we spent time speaking to a number of you in detail. From those conversations, we identified a set of visual and behavioural changes in the Mediagenix On-Demand Catalogue that will improve the speed and efficiency with which you manage your content

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Job_updated events reflect changes to the end date

Jul 17th, 2020

Good news! You can now rely on "job_updated" events to tell you when a job's ends-at has changed

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API events for rights

Apr 13th, 2020

We find that our clients gain tremendous value from our products when they're integrated with their existing systems so we're always trying to improve our product APIs. Mediagenix On-Demand is a proponent of event-driven architectures for integrations and provides a rich event model in its product APIs

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VOD rule templates

Feb 25th, 2020

We love templates at Mediagenix On-Demand. Anything that can reduce time spent with repetitive tasks is worth considering adding to our products! We've added the ability to create templates for VOD rules, to cut down the time it takes to create them

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Revamped quick search

Feb 10th, 2020

Have you ever wanted to quickly jump to a catalogue item from anywhere in Mediagenix On-Demand? Well, the new revamped quick search allows you to do that, and more!

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Prevent linear channel deletion

Feb 4th, 2020

A while back, we added support for deleting linear channels via Settings - a functionality that was available to admin users. However, because deleting a linear channel implies deleting all its programmes, this could cause quite a few problems if done without careful consideration!

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Allow features to be members of a brand

Jan 15th, 2020

Brands have no limits nowadays and that is why Bebanjo keeps including new features to match the trend!

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Towards the new Mediagenix On-Demand Catalogue (Part 1)

Jan 15th, 2020

Last year we spent time speaking to a number of you in detail. From those conversations, we identified a set of visual and behavioural changes in the Mediagenix On-Demand Catalogue that will improve the speed and efficiency with which you manage your content

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API support for enumerations and their mappings

Dec 2nd, 2019

We've added API support for enumerations, and any related mappings. This note describes this change in full, and as usual you can contact support or your Technical Account Manager for further clarification

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Support for promoted content in the Superset exporter

Nov 20th, 2019

The importance of promotional content continues to grow and, as a result, the support for it in our products grows too. We recently introduced the ability to associate promotional clips to their promoted content

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Removed case sensitivity from Excel imports

Nov 4th, 2019

We've modified the Excel import in Mediagenix On-Demand to remove case sensitivity. This note describes this change in full, and as usual you can contact

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Asset External ID

Oct 30th, 2019

In addition to having a Title, Brand, Series and Collection External ID, you can now give Assets their own External ID in Mediagenix On-Demand too. We have added this new field everywhere to give you even greater flexibility, specially for those of you whose asset identifiers are provided by an external system

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API events for target platform changes

Oct 14th, 2019

We have extended our APIs to let systems integrated with Mediagenix On-Demand detect and react to changes in target platforms when an image or rendition is updated

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Linear scheduling reference programs added to Reporter

Oct 7th, 2019

Have you ever wondered how you are exploiting your linear content? Now you can easily see the relationship between your catch-up schedule entries and their linear schedules in Reporter and find out!

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API support for Promoted Content

Aug 29th, 2019

At Mediagenix On-Demand, we strive to create an experience that is as consistent as possible between our UI and APIs. This consistency allows our customers to adapt the product to a range of different architectural requirements

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Upload images to multiple titles in a series or collection

Aug 12th, 2019

Have you ever had to upload images to multiple titles in a series or collection? It takes a while (we know) and we feel your pain! Allow us to relieve the tedium of this repetitive task with our newest feature with bulk image uploading in Mediagenix On-Demand!

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Ability to associate Promo and Trailer clips to their promoted content

Jul 24th, 2019

In a market that continues to grow, promotional content is becoming increasingly important to our clients, and their users. We have been watching as promotional content creeps up your list of priorities, listening to the various challenges that you face when managing this content and as a result, we are now ready to release some fantastic improvements to help you in this space

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Support alphanumeric season and episode numbers

Jul 15th, 2019

Here at Mediagenix On-Demand, we love integers - they are the building blocks of code, after all! Sometimes, though, we encounter situations where integers alone just won't cut it, and we need to diversify with alphanumeric characters. That is where today's release really shines!

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Support costed runs and reruns in VOD rules, catch-up rights, and catch-up deals

Jul 10th, 2019

Mediagenix On-Demand's clients often integrate Mediagenix On-Demand with a linear scheduling system and it's common for those systems to support the concepts of costed runs and reruns

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Scheduling patterns with relative ending dates

Jul 1st, 2019

We are adding the ability to create more complex patterns when scheduling, allowing the scheduling of the same content multiple times in a pattern with a single scheduling action, and allowing the use of relative ending dates for your schedule entry pattern

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Tags for schedule entries

May 18th, 2019

We are releasing the ability to tag schedule entries! This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification

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Rights improvements (I)

May 13th, 2019

In the spirit of continuous improvement, we have recently released some changes to rights that will hopefully make your lives easier. Please, note that this is just a prequel of a much bigger change, a whole new —and very powerful— rights page. That will come soon, but meanwhile, let's explore what we have been working on

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Ability to reparent series and episodes

May 1st, 2019

With increasing frequency, our clients find that they need the ability to move a series between brands, or move an episode between series

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Working in bulk with Schedule Entry Metadata

Feb 26th, 2019

We have introduced the ability to create multiple metadata groups against your schedule entry, and to edit any metadata in those groups in bulk

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Rights exploitation limit per scheduled window

Feb 26th, 2019

We've extended the ability to set up an exploitation window, now allowing exploitation windows to also specify the limit per scheduled window within the right

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Add ability to target day parts in VOD rules

Feb 19th, 2019

Our customers ❤️ their linear scheduling colleagues, but sometimes linear schedules can get fairly busy, and it is common for content to be repeated in slower parts of the day. Great for filling out a schedule, but not great for our automated schedule generation via VOD rules

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Tag management

Jan 30th, 2019

We know our customers love tagging things in Mediagenix On-Demand - features, series, episodes - you name it. Up until now, users couldn't easily manage their tags. Tragically, this resulted in Mediagenix On-Demand support having to remove and rename tags for our customers. But now, your cries (and ours) have been heard and answered!

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Add support for renditions/audio tracks/subtitles to the metadata filter on the schedule page

Jan 30th, 2019

Do you use Mediagenix On-Demand to schedule content? Have you always wanted to filter by certain types of metadata on the schedule page, but couldn't? Guess what? Now you can!

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Subsequent season catch-up trigger

Jan 21st, 2019

VOD rules are one of our most popular features in Mediagenix On-Demand. You can create a rule and have that rule continually and automatically create schedule entries for your catch-up content, whenever your linear schedule updates

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Assign and complete tasks from work page

Jan 21st, 2019

Sequence is a great tool to track your VOD operations. Our customers have a mix of automated and manual processes to get content transformed and delivered to the places it needs to go

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Improved time zone support

Dec 14th, 2018

For some reason, human beings are not very good at time zone math. We live in an interconnected world, and it's becoming frequent to have clients working across different time zones. And to make things harder, these distributed teams can each manage content in several time zones. That is time zone HELL!

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Relative start/end dates in VOD rules with fixed times

Oct 11th, 2018

As you know, VOD rules offer a lot of flexibility to automatically schedule catch-up content based on linear TXs. We thought they covered all the cases, but it turns out we were wrong! 🙈 Not anymore!

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Return to scroll position on the schedule page

Sep 25th, 2018

Often when in the Mediagenix On-Demand schedule page, you need to make changes to your schedule entries, adding playlists, modifying metadata, tweaking start and end dates

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Time zones per linear channel

Sep 4th, 2018

In Mediagenix On-Demand, each company has a defined time zone and optionally each user can have their own time zone, different from that of the company

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Scheduling suggestions

Jul 10th, 2018

In a world full of rights, having a handy tool to get the most out of them would be great. Lucky you! We just added that to Mediagenix On-Demand, we're calling it "scheduling suggestions"

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Add playlists support to the add to schedule functionality

Jun 13th, 2018

We recently made it much more convenient for you to schedule content, by allowing you to 'Add to schedule from the schedule page', in addition to the catalogue, Add to Schedule

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Online content filter in the work page

May 18th, 2018

We have added a new filter to Sequence! 🎉

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Add VOD rules from the schedule page

Apr 25th, 2018

We have made it easier and more convenient to create new VOD rules

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Improved platform selection

Apr 24th, 2018

We have improved the way in which you can select platforms in Mediagenix On-Demand

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VOD rules rolling pattern

Mar 27th, 2018

We have added the ability to create "rolling patterns" with Mediagenix On-Demand's Catch-Up add-on

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Better series scheduling

Mar 22nd, 2018

We have enhanced the way series can be scheduled in Mediagenix On-Demand

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Add schedule entries from schedule page

Mar 19th, 2018

Guess what? You can now schedule content from the schedule page, and it just makes sense!

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Add support for duplication of schedule entries

Mar 6th, 2018

We've added the ability to copy schedule entries onto one or more platforms in Mediagenix On-Demand

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Ability to save the current filter for later use

Feb 19th, 2018

We have added the ability to save your filtering criteria in the schedule page for future use

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Image editing enhancements

Jan 2nd, 2018

We have improved the image editing capabilities with rotation, flipping, and better cropping tools. This will allow users to do basic editing work without leaving Mediagenix On-Demand, instead of having to rely on external tools

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Playlists enhancements

Dec 7th, 2017

We have drastically improved playlisting functionality within Mediagenix On-Demand, adding support for complicated bulk actions, as well as the concept of playlist templates for rapid creation of playlist content across your schedules. We also recently released the ability to filter the schedule page for playlists, making it even easier to manage playlists across your content

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Changes in user account roles

Oct 18th, 2017

In preparation for some new features we're working on, related to settings, we have just released some changes to the available user account roles

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Catch-up rules asset selection

Sep 21st, 2017

We have added a new option to select the type of asset that should be associated to a Catch-Up schedule entry

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Filter by asset types in the schedule page

Sep 20th, 2017

We have added a new filter to the schedule page, allowing filtering by Asset Types

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Remove attributes/metadata using the Excel catalogue and schedule import

Aug 23rd, 2017

We have added a way to delete metadata and attributes via the Excel catalogue and schedule import

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Start/end dates in rules/rights/deals TX selection

Aug 22nd, 2017

Until now, you could link a VOD rule/right/deal to a specific linear transmission. E.g. you could create a VOD rule targeting the 3rd absolute TX in one channel. With this change, we're adding some more flexibility to this functionality, by allowing you to define a date/time range for the scope of the transmission

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New filter by deals name

Aug 1st, 2017

We have added a new filtering option to help you easily find your deals in Mediagenix On-Demand

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Bulk asset selection by type

Jul 26th, 2017

An asset in Mediagenix On-Demand represents an editorial version of a title. For instance, for the same title, you might have a "clean language edit" asset and an "explicit language" asset, or a "C3" asset and a "D4" asset. You might want to use different assets for different schedule entries and since you want to do things fast, we've made it easier to work with assets in bulk

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I18n for catalogue names

Jul 21st, 2017

We have added internationalization support to the content names of the Mediagenix On-Demand's catalogue

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Override rule dates in catch-up rules

Jul 16th, 2017

We've added the ability to override put-up and take-down dates (or both!) for catch-up schedule entries

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Jul 5th, 2017

We have just extended our APIs to let systems integrated with Mediagenix On-Demand interact with VOD rules

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Filter by multiple licensors in the schedule page

Jul 4th, 2017

We've improved the licensor filter in the schedule page, allowing you to filter by multiple licensors

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Adjustable day start time per linear channel

Jul 4th, 2017

We have added the ability to adjust the day's start time for a linear channel

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Right windows in Reporter

Jun 20th, 2017

We've added a new "right_windows" table to Reporter

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Playlist filter for schedule entries

Jun 6th, 2017

We have enhanced the filtering in the Schedule page to include Playlists

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Update the title activity when deleting a workflow

May 12th, 2017

We have added activity messages to titles in Mediagenix On-Demand when a workflow related to it is deleted in Sequence

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Rerun limit in rights

May 5th, 2017

We have added support for an additional parameter for rights and deals. The "rerun limit" restricts the number of times content can be scheduled within the same rights scope

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Access deleted schedule entries and jobs

May 5th, 2017

We've added the ability to access deleted schedule entries in Mediagenix On-Demand and deleted jobs in Sequence

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External IDs for schedule entries

Apr 14th, 2017

Eveything in the Mediagenix On-Demand products has an ID. And usually more than one! And we've just added the ability to give schedule entries the "external ID" of your choice

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The new release note badge

Apr 4th, 2017

We've enhanced the top bar of Mediagenix On-Demand apps to notify users when we publish new release notes (such as this one!), so that no one will miss any changes we make to the products which are relevant to them

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Allowing tasks to be created through the API at a given position

Apr 3rd, 2017

We have added the "Position" attribute when creating Sequence Tasks using the API

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Creating, updating, and deleting the specific_platforms Rights API resource

Mar 24th, 2017

This new feature has let existing Mediagenix On-Demand customers build new automations, returning new efficiencies to their teams. If you too want to remove manual steps from your workflow, and you need help putting this new feature to good use, let us know! We'll happily give you a hand

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Better filtering of catch-up content in the VOD staging area

Mar 15th, 2017

We've improved the filtering of catch-up content in the VOD staging area

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Runtime and duration in milliseconds in Reporter

Mar 10th, 2017

We've improved several tables in Reporter to make it easier to produce aggregated reports

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Platform requirements in Reporter

Mar 2nd, 2017

We've added a new "platform_requirements" table to Reporter

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Completed dates for jobs and tasks in Reporter

Mar 1st, 2017

We've improved the "jobs" and "tasks" tables in Reporter

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Catch-up rules for standalone titles

Mar 1st, 2017

The Catch-up scheduling add-on is every broadcaster's favourite. We have just extended its powers to now support standalone titles (in addition to series)

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Contributors metadata in Reporter

Feb 27th, 2017

We have just enriched the data model in Reporter, adding Contributors' metadata

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Schedule entry statuses in Reporter

Feb 27th, 2017

We've improved the "schedule_entries" table in Reporter

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Multi-valued metadata in Reporter

Feb 17th, 2017

We keep on enriching the Reporter data model. This time we've added support for metadata fields that accept multiple values

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Send to Sequence in the background

Feb 13th, 2017

We've amended the "Send to Sequence" requests in Mediagenix On-Demand so that they are now processed in the background. This will make the Schedule page respond faster, and cut down on unnecessary waiting times

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Faster Linear Schedule API

Feb 3rd, 2017

We improved the performance of the Linear Schedule API. If you import your linear schedules using our API, now your integrations will run much faster!

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Reporter add-on

Feb 1st, 2017

After several months working on it, we're excited to announce the official release of Mediagenix On-Demand Reporter, a new optional add-on that allows you to query your data held in the Mediagenix On-Demand tools, using the reporting tool of your choice

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Improve visibility of changes to Start/End dates

Jan 17th, 2017

We have improved the Timeline and Activity pages in Sequence to display the modification of a Scheduling window

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Catch-up pages design update

Jan 17th, 2017

If you use the Catch-up functionality you will notice some changes in this area of Mediagenix On-Demand

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Better way to add Titles to a Collection

Jan 11th, 2017

Collections in Mediagenix On-Demand bundle the titles of your choice in one editorial grouping. Great, but what if you have 1 million titles in your catalogue and find it hard to pick the titles to add to a Collection? No problem!

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Activity events for Segments

Dec 30th, 2016

If you use Segments in Mediagenix On-Demand, good news! Any change made to Segments now leaves a record in a Title's activity log

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Schedule page filter by workflow status

Dec 19th, 2016

We’ve added a new filter by workflow status to the Schedule page

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Asset changes in Job's timeline

Dec 13th, 2016

In Sequence, we've enhanced the timeline page for Jobs to show when assets have changed or updated

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Activity events for Asset changes in Schedule entries

Dec 8th, 2016

In Mediagenix On-Demand, we’ve added notifications in the activity pages about scheduled asset changes

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Catalogue Activity page timestamps

Nov 9th, 2016

The Activity page (for Brands, Series, Episodes, etc.) does a great job of letting you discover "who" has made updates and "what" they changed ("why" may forever remain a mystery of course) and we thought that what we could improve the "when"

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Enter metadata when scheduling

Nov 7th, 2016

We've enhanced Mediagenix On-Demand to allow you to enter Schedule Entry metadata right when you're adding content to your Schedules

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Faster catch-up pages

Nov 2nd, 2016

We’ve improved the load time of the Catch-up pages

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Floating button bar in the Schedule page

Oct 27th, 2016

We’ve improved the Schedule page, bringing back the floating button bar

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Filter by metadata in schedule page

Sep 14th, 2016

We’ve added the long-awaited filter by metadata to the Schedule page

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Asset selection in title import

Aug 29th, 2016

We’ve improved the Title Import in Mediagenix On-Demand to allow users to set and change the selected Asset of a Schedule Entry, including whether Automatic Asset Selection should be used

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A new home for settings

Jun 29th, 2016

We are consolidating the access to all the setting pages of our tools (Mediagenix On-Demand Id, Sequence and Mediagenix On-Demand) in one home page

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A faster schedule page

Jun 21st, 2016

We've changed the engine that generates the results of the Schedule page. In the future, this will allow us to implement more complex filters, but it also provides a very nice immediate side-effect, it makes the Schedule page substantially faster to load

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Publication and metadata statuses

Jun 13th, 2016

We're changing the schedule page of Mediagenix On-Demand to display one extra column of statuses (a.k.a. the skittles!). We've split the old publication status into two, more granular, statuses. We expect this change to allow you to know more about the metadata and publication status of your schedule entries at a glance. Also, it will give you better popovers and more granular filtering powers

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Problem creation dates

Apr 26th, 2016

Small changes that make your life easier! Problems in Sequence Jobs now display the date when they were created

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Limited access to schedules

Apr 12th, 2016

As our customers grow and distribute content to more and more locations, managing these schedules across the world, it can get harder for Mediagenix On-Demand users to make sure they are always working on the right thing

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New schedule filters

Mar 8th, 2016

Recently, we moved the filters of the schedule page to the top of the page. This brought a few benefits but, mainly, it paved the way for a number of enhancements we wanted to make in the filtering functionality of this page

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Metadata for images

Feb 2nd, 2016

We've extended support for metadata to include Images, enabling you to record information relevant to the images you use to show off your content, and publish that additional metadata to platforms

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Preassigned tasks in workflow templates

Jan 20th, 2016

When defining a workflow template in Sequence you can now preassign tasks to a user. When a new workflow is created with that workflow template, those tasks will be automatically assigned to the relevant user

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Filters at the top of the schedule page

Jan 4th, 2016

We're moving the filters to the top of the Schedule page. This in itself brings a few benefits but, specifically, it prepares the page to accommodate a number of great enhancements we're planning for the Schedule page

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Bulk editing of schedule entry dates

Nov 23rd, 2015

Who doesn't like to edit Schedule Entries? To make this an even more pleasurable activity we've added a feature that lets you update the start and end dates of many Schedule Entries in a "single action". Be calm!

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Improved filtering in sequence work page

Oct 26th, 2015

Filters are a powerful feature in Sequence, enabling you to drill down into a long list of things to do and focus on your priorities. We've added a new filter by Asset to the work page, and we've made the list of filtering options more relevant

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Contributors credits and catalogue improvements

Oct 15th, 2015

We've promoted Contributors and their Credits into first class citizens within Mediagenix On-Demand; this increases efficiency, allows you to store rich Metadata for Contributors, enables better Catalogue management, and provides new presentation options for the platforms you deliver your content to

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Support for excel XLSX format in Mediagenix On-Demand

Sep 1st, 2015

Up to Excel 2003 the maximum number of columns allowed in a worksheet was 256, which could cause problems if your Metadata Template in Mediagenix On-Demand contains lots of attributes. Microsoft changed the limit in Excel 2007 to 16,384 and Mediagenix On-Demand now supports the XLSX document type used by Excel 2007 and subsequent versions

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Improved layout and schedule page

Aug 31st, 2015

Our designers and developers believe that God is in the details and are always looking to improve those small details that lead (we hope) to a better user experience for you; this release note describes recent changes to the general appearance of Mediagenix On-Demand and the Schedule page in particular.

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Improved filtering in the work page

Aug 24th, 2015

Filters are a powerful feature in Sequence, enabling you to drill down into a long list of things to do and focus on your priorities. We've made some changes to improve the Tasks and Tags filter

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Improvements for schedule entry deletion

Aug 11th, 2015

Schedule Entries in Mediagenix On-Demand can be thought of as the products that you provide to your customers, and are therefore valuable to your business. To help prevent mishaps we've added safeguards that clearly indicate what will happen if you choose to delete Schedule Entries

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Filter by multiple platforms in the schedule page

Jul 6th, 2015

If your company in Mediagenix On-Demand has complex scheduling requirements you might be using a large number of Platforms, and to help you manage this better we've added a new feature to the Schedule page that lets you filter by more than one Platform

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Finding metadata errors in the schedule page

Jun 22nd, 2015

The Schedule page shows the result of all your hard work, and most importantly shows you where there are problems with the Rights or Publications for a Schedule Entry. Problems with Rights do not stop you from publishing, but Metadata errors must be fixed before you can publish. A new feature for the Publication status filter lets you find specific Metadata errors much more quickly

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Type filter in the catalogue

Jun 17th, 2015

To help you find content more quickly in the Catalogue we've added a handy "Type" filter

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Publication and notification user interface

Jun 10th, 2015

The Mediagenix On-Demand user interface is designed to provide you with a calm, considered, and above all understandable place to work. We aim to protect you from the complexities of the video-ondemand services that lurk beneath the surface of Mediagenix On-Demand

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Email notifications

May 27th, 2015

Mediagenix On-Demand will sometimes send you important email notifications. We are standardising the "mail from" for all the notifications that we send to you, so you can add this address to your contact list

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Schedule page

May 7th, 2015

It's a non-stop-product-development-odyssey at Mediagenix On-Demand! To follow-up the recent Catalogue and technical Metadata management changes we turned our eye to the Schedule page (which is the most used page in Mediagenix On-Demand, so no pressure!)

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Catalogue and search result pages

Apr 22nd, 2015

Our crack team of designers, front-end developers, and back-end developers never rest in their quest to ensure that Mediagenix On-Demand is the best choice for managing video-on-demand services! Hot on the heels of the recent technical Metadata management features we've implemented a new look and feel for the Catalogue page, along with a lot of behind the scenes changes that will help us add new features

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Elasticsearch in Mediagenix On-Demand and Sequence

Apr 16th, 2015

Mediagenix On-Demand and Sequence use search engine technology to provide the features you rely on to find content. On 16 April we updated our applications to replace the Sphinx search engine with Elasticsearch

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Technical metadata management

Apr 6th, 2015

You probably use Mediagenix On-Demand every day to manage the editorial metadata for your content, but did you know that lurking beneath the surface there may be a wealth of technical metadata describing the media files delivered to your online video platforms?

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Revised approach for editing metadata

Mar 24th, 2015

We've made changes to how you view and edit Metadata for Collections, Brands, Series, Episodes, and Features. These changes make it easier to review existing Metadata and help to ensure you only edit Metadata when you intend to

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Textarea improvements

Mar 2nd, 2015

What is a "textarea" and why did they need to be improved? A textarea is the name of a type of Metadata Attribute in Mediagenix On-Demand, used for things like Long Synopsis or Long Description. Unfortunately, they weren't very long, so we improved them!

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Platform management

Dec 15th, 2014

Mediagenix On-Demand isn't "Donkey Kong", but it's still full of Platforms (and hopefully not too many fireballs) and we've made a few changes to help you navigate them… This is another change along with New selector for Platforms as part of our effort to improve the experience of working with many Platforms in Mediagenix On-Demand

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New selector for platforms

Dec 15th, 2014

So, not only do some of you have many users you also have plenty of Platforms for them to manage! To make it easier to work with many Platforms in Mediagenix On-Demand we've redesigned the selector you use to pick and choose Platforms

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Logout. Once more with feeling

Nov 26th, 2014

Mediagenix On-Demand ID is our authentication and authorisation system that you use to access to all Mediagenix On-Demand applications. To improve security and provide a more consistent user experience, we've improved the logout feature

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User management with Mediagenix On-Demand ID

Nov 17th, 2014

The more the merrier! We are introducing a new way to manage your Company in Mediagenix On-Demand and we are calling it Mediagenix On-Demand ID, one passport to the whole suite of Mediagenix On-Demand applications. You can invite people, track user access, have better profiles, heck, we even added avatars! One of our biggest releases to date, read on

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Add column sorting to the users page

Nov 17th, 2014

Wow! Some of you have a lot of users! To make your lives just that little bit easier when it comes to managing those users we've added a sorting feature to the Users page. Read on

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Improvements to notes and problems in Sequence

Sep 29th, 2014

We've made another small but very useful change to Sequence, this time to improve how Notes and Problems are handled

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Finding the titles for a licensor using the API

Sep 18th, 2014

In the Catalogue and Schedule pages it's easy to find the Titles for a given Licensor, we've added that capability to Mediagenix On-Demand's Application Programming Interface (API)

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Improvements to Sequence and Mediagenix On-Demand integration

Sep 11th, 2014

We've made a small but very useful change to Sequence that improves its integration with Mediagenix On-Demand, hopefully this will make your day job that little bit easier!

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Metadata for schedule entries

Sep 8th, 2014

Behind the scenes at Mediagenix On-Demand HQ, our Metadata SDK (we use that to build Metadata Exporters) has long supported Metadata for Schedule Entries (aka Exhibition Windows) but this Metadata wasn't accessible in the Mediagenix On-Demand user interface, until now!

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Improvements for boolean metadata attributes

Sep 1st, 2014

True or False? Yes or No? Stick or Twist? It's these little things that keep our design team awake at night, and to help them sleep better we've made a small but useful change to how boolean Metadata attributes are displayed in Mediagenix On-Demand.

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Metadata for deals

Aug 14th, 2014

We've extended Deals to add support for Metadata, making it easier for you to record and track information relevant to your licensing deals.

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Publication statuses for offline schedule entries

Jul 10th, 2014

As part of our ongoing efforts to make Mediagenix On-Demand as efficient as possible and provide you with great service we've made changes to how the publication status for offline Schedule Entries is handled

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Transaction status reports from Youview

Jun 2nd, 2014

If your organisation uses Mediagenix On-Demand to publish Metadata to YouView then we have good news for you! When the YouView systems process transactions for Metadata publications they provide detailed Transaction Status Reports; these are now displayed in the Schedule page of Mediagenix On-Demand

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Enabling and disabling publication in Mediagenix On-Demand

Apr 24th, 2014

If your organisation uses Mediagenix On-Demand to publish Metadata, and images, to platforms then from time to time there will be occasions where the platform requires you to put publication onhold. This is usually because maintenance work of some kind is being performed on the platform. It is now possible for Mediagenix On-Demand to easily enable and disable publication on your behalf.

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Collections and title improvements

Apr 9th, 2014

We've improved the Collection functionality in Mediagenix On-Demand to make it even easier for you to create and edit a Collection and its content, including the ability to easily re-order the Titles in a Collection

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Series and episode improvements

Apr 1st, 2014

We've improved the Series and Episodes functionality in Mediagenix On-Demand to make it even easier for you to create and edit a Series and its Episodes

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Title groups should be collections

Mar 21st, 2014

What are Title Groups? Are they Collections or Series? Or both? It's these sort of existential question we try to answer for you at Mediagenix On-Demand when we make incremental changes

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Schedule page statuses

Jan 20th, 2014

We've improved how "rights", "workflow", and "publication" statuses are displayed in the Schedule page; this is the first step in improving the layout of the whole Schedule page

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Editing a scheduling

Dec 13th, 2013

The process of how you edit an individual Scheduling in the Schedule page of Mediagenix On-Demand has changed, for the better!

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Asset page refinements

Dec 10th, 2013

Following the change introduced on 1 July that lets you easily duplicate an Asset, we've made some small changes to the Assets page for Titles in Mediagenix On-Demand

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Nov 29th, 2013

As part of the our on-going work to improve and extend the Deals functionality in Mediagenix On-Demand several incremental changes have been released over the last few weeks. These changes bring the visual appearance of the various Deals pages in line with the Catalogue and add several useful new features

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Nov 22nd, 2013

Mediagenix On-Demand can be configured to receive notifications from the platforms it publishes (e.g. XML documents and image files) to; this enables you to have better visibility in the Schedule page of the status of a publication (e.g. to determine whether the platform successfully processed the publication from Mediagenix On-Demand)

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Catalogue navigation improvements

Nov 19th, 2013

Following on from the Title Catalogue changes that were released in May, and in preparation for the upcoming support for Brands, we've made further improvements that help you navigate your content in the Mediagenix On-Demand Catalogue

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Nov 19th, 2013

Following on from the Title Catalogue changes that were released in May, and the recent improvements to navigation, the Mediagenix On-Demand Catalogue now supports Brands. Additional features for Brands are being planned and details will be provided when they are available.

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Improved task reports and invoicing

Sep 3rd, 2013

This summer comes full of new features for our products, very soon, our stunning title catalogue in Mediagenix On-Demand will take metadata management to the next level, and today we have released a new feature in Sequence that allows our users to seamlessly invoice and report on the job done

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Platform information on the Sequence work page

Aug 13th, 2013

Depending on your particular workflow you might have the situation where there are many Titles in Sequence with the same name, but for different platforms; you could always filter for a specific platform, but now the Work page shows the tags for each Title so you can see at a glance which platform a Title is intended for

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Show all titles in Sequence that have problems

Aug 7th, 2013

A new "With problems" checkbox has beed added to the filters section of the Work page; no matter how far in the future the due dates are you can now easily find problematic Titles

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Creating deals

Jul 31st, 2013

As part of the work we're doing (movida#1265) to improve Content Deals in Mediagenix On-Demand we've made some interim changes to the Create Deal page; no functionality has been changed, but hopefully you'll agree the page looks a lot nicer now

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External ID in Sequence

Jul 24th, 2013

A title in Mediagenix On-Demand can have an External ID; this is normally used to store the unique identifier from the content provider. It is now possible to search in Sequence for titles, sent from Mediagenix On-Demand, using the External ID of the title in Mediagenix On-Demand

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Asset selection for schedulings

Jul 10th, 2013

To-date, when creating an "archive" Scheduling for a Title in Mediagenix On-Demand the most recent Asset was automatically selected for the Scheduling

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Asset history

Jul 8th, 2013

When problems occur downstream of Mediagenix On-Demand with the processing of Assets, e.g. for scheduled Titles, it can be useful to know exactly when the Asset details were changed and who changed them

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Duplicate an asset

Jul 1st, 2013

To help in our ongoing struggle to banish unnecessary keystrokes for our users, we've added a small feature to the Assets page for Titles in Mediagenix On-Demand. This feature lets you duplicate an Asset, and all its Metadata, with a single click! Mediagenix On-Demand will also automatically generate the correct Asset Name, sweet

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Improvements for workflow templates and tasks

Jun 20th, 2013

Sequence now has an auto-complete feature for task creation that makes it easy to duplicate tasks individually, and it is now possible to duplicate entire workflow templates

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Title catalogue

May 16th, 2013

The Catalogue is the heart of Mediagenix On-Demand; it contains all of the collections, series, episodes, and features that you schedule and publish on your (or third party) platforms. This change introduces a new look and feel for the various Catalogue pages as a result of us building and implementing a new "framework" that enables new features to be developed more quickly for you in the future (such as Image management and full support for Renditions, Audio Tracks, and Subtitles)

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Import schedulings

May 16th, 2013

Mediagenix On-Demand has been changed so that the Title Import feature can be used to create, and update, Schedulings (i.e. entries in the schedule of a platform) for Titles (episodes or features), using the Platform, Put Up, and Take Down columns along a new column called "Scheduling Id"

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Basic scheduling

May 14th, 2013

The Visual Schedule Editor (aka Tron) in Mediagenix On-Demand helps you to design and build long-term schedules that contain lots of content

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Publication history

Apr 26th, 2013

When problems occur downstream of Mediagenix On-Demand with the processing of metadata it has published it can be useful to know exactly when publication occurred and who initiated the publication

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