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Duplicate an asset

July 1st, 2013 (Revision 1), download as PDF

To help in our ongoing struggle to banish unnecessary keystrokes for our users, we’ve added a small feature to the Assets page for Titles in Mediagenix On-Demand. This feature lets you duplicate an Asset, and all its Metadata, with a single click! Mediagenix On-Demand will also automatically generate the correct Asset Name, sweet.

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.


When you the view the Assets page for a Title you’ll notice a new Duplicate option next to each Asset:

2013 07 01 Duplicate An Asset R1 01

When you click the Duplicate option for an Asset an exact copy is created, except for the Asset Name which is unique and based on rules defined for your company in Mediagenix On-Demand:

2013 07 01 Duplicate An Asset R1 02

All of the Metadata for the new Asset has been copied across:

2013 07 01 Duplicate An Asset R1 03


  • movida#1184 Feedback and assets workflow on catalogue