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New Brand and Asset metadata columns in Non-Linear entries

February 16th, 2023 (Revision 1), print this page

This new release allows users to view more metadata information about Brands and Assets in a much more user-friendly way. So far, users have been able to filter the results they want to see in the grid view based on those metadata values.

It is now possible to add a Brands and Assets metadata value directly into the Non-Linear grid in as many columns as a user requires.

This enhanced functionality is incorporated into the Non-Linear module that has already been used by most of our clients on a regular basis for some time. The possibility of adding and reordering new columns with relevant information for our users was one of the major changes to our Non-Linear module. This allows users to create and save custom views for working more efficiently and in a smarter way.

column brand asset

In addition, all of these values are embedded in the .csv file, which exports the customised view in an Excel format.