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Publication statuses for offline schedule entries

July 10th, 2014 (Revision 1), download as PDF

As part of our ongoing efforts to make Mediagenix On-Demand as efficient as possible and provide you with great service we’ve made changes to how the publication status for offline Schedule Entries is handled.

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.

Offline Schedule Entries

In Mediagenix On-Demand a Schedule Entry is deemed to be offline if its end (take-down) date is before the current date. At any point in time it’s probably the case that there will be many more offline than online Schedule Entries.

Whenever the Metadata associated with a Schedule Entry is updated Mediagenix On-Demand will recalculate the publication status that you see in the Schedule page, to determine whether its Metadata is still valid for publication.

To make that recalculation process more efficient Mediagenix On-Demand will no longer recalculate the publication status for offline Schedule Entries.

Because of this you will now see two new messages for the Status in the Schedule page, the message is dependant on whether automatic publication is enabled for the Schedule. Examples are shown on the following page; the new messages are:

  • The status above might not be current. This schedule entry is in the past and its status will not be recalculated unless it is published manually.
  • The status above might not be current. This schedule entry is in the past and will not be automatically published; its status will be recalculated if it is published manually.

Please note that if you choose to republish an offline Schedule Entry then Mediagenix On-Demand will recalculate its publication status before attempting the publication.

Manual publication

2014 07 10 Publication Statuses For Offline Schedule Entries R1 01

Automatic publication

2014 07 10 Publication Statuses For Offline Schedule Entries R1 02


  • movida#2335 Avoid reset of schedulings in the past