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Tag management

January 30th, 2019 (Revision 1), print this page

Tags! We know our customers love tagging things in Mediagenix On-Demand - features, series, episodes - you name it. Up until now, users couldn’t easily manage their tags. Tragically, this resulted in Mediagenix On-Demand support having to remove and rename tags for our customers. But now, your cries (and ours) have been heard and answered!

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.

We felt that users should be able to perform these operations themselves - and to have a clear overview of their current set of tags. So, with this release, you can visit the Settings page, select Tags for Mediagenix On-Demand, and manage your tags to your heart’s desire! Note that only users with a role of Owner can use this feature.


Users can now add, rename and delete tags across Mediagenix On-Demand - and even do so in bulk! You can also view in one place how many pieces of content a specific tag has been assigned to. Searching a long list of tags for that elusive, wily one? Filter your tags to quickly and easily find the right one.

Cheers and happy tagging!

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We’re committed to continue to deliver incremental workflow improvements for our customers. Small changes can sometimes grant large amounts of time-saving for our customers. If there’s something that you want us to work on, let your technical account manager know!


  • movida#980 Tag management (1/2)
  • movida#8383 Tag management (2/2)