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Email notifications

May 27th, 2015 (Revision 1), download as PDF

Mediagenix On-Demand will sometimes send you important email notifications. We are standardising the mail from for all the notifications that we send to you, so you can add this address to your contact list.

We’ve also implemented a new way to deliver the email notifications to ensure they reach you quickly and securely.

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.

Email notifications

Email notifications

Sometimes, Mediagenix On-Demand needs to send you emails. For instance:

  • if you’ve forgotten your password and request an email to setup a new one.
  • if a task has been assigned to you in Sequence and you’ve subscribed to email notifications.
  • if you’re importing titles in Mediagenix On-Demand and you want a notification when the job is done.

Because anti-spam filters (for instance, in Google Mail) sometimes block email that is actually not spam, we are making some changes to make it easier for those filters to identify that Mediagenix On-Demand emails are legitimate.

From now on, when you receive an email from us, it will always come from the same email address: You should add this address to your contact list, to help ensure emails from Mediagenix On-Demand reach you.

2015 05 27 Email Notifications R1 01


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