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External IDs for schedule entries

April 14th, 2017 (Revision 1), print this page

Eveything in the Mediagenix On-Demand products has an ID. And usually more than one! And we’ve just added the ability to give schedule entries the external ID of your choice. This note describes this change in full, and as usual you can contact support or your Technical Account Manager for further clarification.

Titles, series, brands, images… in Mediagenix On-Demand can be identified by the internal IDs that Mediagenix On-Demand automatically generates when you create these entities. In addition, you can add the external ID of your choice to each entity. This makes it easier to track content across your various systems, with IDs widely shared and recognised in your organisation. Using external IDs is optional but very handy, so we strongy recommend you do it. You can learn more about internal IDs and external IDs in this user guide.

But there was one key entity lacking this functionality: schedule entries (aka, schedulings), which represent the exhibition of one title on one platform for one given window. But fear not, we’ve just fixed this! Now, using our APIs, you can associate external IDs to schedulings, and track schedulings across your systems like any other Mediagenix On-Demand entity. You will find technical details on how to do so in our API documentation.

This one is for the techies, with love from all at Mediagenix On-Demand.


  • movida#5902 Add an External ID for Schedule Entries