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Remove attributes/metadata using the Excel catalogue and schedule import

August 23rd, 2017 (Revision 1), print this page

We have added a way to delete metadata and attributes via the Excel catalogue and schedule import.

This note describes this change in full, and, as usual, you can contact support or your Technical Account Manager for further clarification.

We know our users love to use the Mediagenix On-Demand interface - but sometimes using Excel is still the simplest way to perform actions in bulk. It has always been possible to create and update metadata and attributes via the Excel import tool within Mediagenix On-Demand, but previously it has not been possible to perform deletes to metadata via Excel.

So now, by setting the value of a field in the Excel import to [[BLANK]], Mediagenix On-Demand will detect this as a control value and remove any associated data for the associated metadata key when importing the Excel file.

It’s also possible to blank multiple fields as well (metadata keys which allow storing of multiple values), to do this simply enter a [[BLANK]] in each column in Excel for every value stored within the field.


  • movida#6520 Remove attributes and metadata values using the Excel catalogue and schedule import