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Improvements for schedule entry deletion

August 11th, 2015 (Revision 2), download as PDF

Schedule Entries in Mediagenix On-Demand can be thought of as the products that you provide to your customers, and are therefore valuable to your business. To help prevent mishaps we’ve added safeguards that clearly indicate what will happen if you choose to delete Schedule Entries.

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.

Improvements for Schedule Entry deletion

Stop in the name of the law, citizen

The first thing you’ll notice is that the Delete button has been separated from the bulk actions you probably perform on a regular basis.

When you’ve selected some Schedule Entries and click Delete you are warned about what will happen, and are asked to proceed:

Improvements for schedule entry deletion 1

Please note that you must click the red Delete button, you cannot simply press return on your keyboard. Also, as usual you cannot delete Catch-up Schedule Entries.

Improvements for schedule entry deletion 1

If you choose to proceed, another dialog box is shown where you have to provide secondary confirmation that you want to delete the selected Schedule Entries. Again, you must click the red button. If you go ahead, the relevant Schedule Entries are deleted and you’ll see a green flash message in the Schedule page confirming the deletion.


  • movida#3807 Too easy to accidentally delete Schedule Entries