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Asset selection for schedulings

July 10th, 2013 (Revision 1), download as PDF

To-date, when creating an archive Scheduling for a Title in Mediagenix On-Demand the most recent Asset was automatically selected for the Scheduling.

To give you flexibility in how you manage your VoD workflow with Mediagenix On-Demand, a new configuration option is available that results in no Asset being selected when Schedulings are created. This provides you with complete control over which Asset is selected for a Scheduling. Please note that this change does not affect catch-up Schedulings.

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification; please note that automatic Asset selection is enabled by default.

Assuming that automatic Asset selection has been disabled, this is what a new Scheduling for a Title looks like:

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Notice how an Asset hasn’t been automatically selected by Mediagenix On-Demand. To select the appropriate Asset you need to click the Edit option, that appears when you mouse-over the Scheduling, to show these options:

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The Asset drop-down will show all of the Assets for the Title, along with the “Create a new asset…” option. When you have selected, or created, an Asset it is locked to the Scheduling:

2013 07 10 Asset Selection For Schedulings R1 03

If a new Asset is subsequently created for the Title it will not automatically change which Asset is selected for the Scheduling.


  • movida#1255 Implement setting to configure Asset selection for schedulings