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Metadata for schedule entries

September 8th, 2014 (Revision 1), download as PDF

Behind the scenes at Mediagenix On-Demand HQ, our Metadata SDK (we use that to build Metadata Exporters) has long supported Metadata for Schedule Entries (aka Exhibition Windows) but this Metadata wasn’t accessible in the Mediagenix On-Demand user interface, until now!

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.

Schedule Entry Metadata

When you edit a Schedule Entry (i.e. the combination of a Title, Asset, Platform, and Exhibition Window dates) you can now update the Metadata attributes that are defined for Schedule Entries in your Company within Mediagenix On-Demand. Here’s an example:

2014 09 08 Metadata For Schedule Entries R1 01

Here you can see that four Metadata attributes have been made available for Schedule Entries: Metadata Language, Suggested Price, Device Exclusions, and Destination Platform Exclusions. Remember, Metadata attributes are entirely customisable based on the requirements of your business.

2014 09 08 Metadata For Schedule Entries R1 02

The Schedule Entry Metadata attributes defined for your Company in Mediagenix On-Demand are available in the Schedule Export and Import Titles features. The metadata resource of a Schedule Entry can be created, updated, and deleted using the Mediagenix On-Demand Application Programming Interface (API) as described in its documentation. Robots love that sort of thing.


  • movida#664 Metadata at Schedule Entry level