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New filters, better bulk operations and readability

May 23rd, 2024 (Revision 1), print this page

In the past we’ve communicated updates on an ad hoc basis. Starting in 2024 we’re changing how we communicate product updates.

Going forward we will provide combined updates about all the new features, improvements, and product deprecations completed over the previous few months.

This change does not impact your regular interactions with your Technical Account Manager. And you can definitely still expect to hear from us when there are relevant changes 📣

This is what we’ve been up to lately:

Fresh filters in the Catch-Up Linear Schedule page


The filters in the Catch-Up linear schedule page have been enhanced - now you can filter the schedule based on platform, platform requirements, and VOD rules. Better yet, you can save your filtered view(s). Set it and forget it! 😎

Identify new schedulings in the Schedule page


Looking for even more efficiency in the Schedule page? We added a parameter for filtering, sorting and viewing that you might like - Created at.

Created at indicates when a schedule entry was created in Mediagenix On-Demand.

As usual, this filter can be used in combination with other filters in the Schedule page, resulting in a personalized view of the schedule entries most relevant to your workflow or use case.

For example, if you created a few hundred schedulings across several series last week that you now need to enrich - simply filter to only those schedulings created within the past week to quickly hone in on your To-Do list.

In addition to filtering, Created at data can be visualized as a column in the schedule page, and be used to sort the schedule.


The Created at column will be also included in schedule page exports of the view and of the full schedule data.

Improve title column readability


In the past the layout of the schedule page was fixed - the format always fully displayed title name, but offered no configuration or flexibility to users.

In the new schedule layout the title name is now displayed in a cell that the user can define the width of. Configurable! 🪄But in cases where a title’s name is considerably longer than others on the page, a long title would sometimes get cut off based on the width as defined by the user. This resulted in users needing to make frequent manual adjustments to accommodate, and in some cases these adjustments would result in a loss of visibility of other relevant columns.

To tidy this up we are giving you the option to wrap the information displayed on the title column. You can find this option in the Columns menu as Wrap title column.

When Wrap title column is enabled we’ll automatically double the row height for long titles, displaying the title in two or more lines, so that the title can be fully displayed without needing to resize the column and/or losing sight of other columns in your view.

Making quick search results more consistent

Previously, depending on the page where a search was performed, the results may have been in a different order than results for the same search term performed from a different page 😵‍💫.

To improve the quick search experience we’ve reviewed and revised the weights applied to Catalogue entities. Now search results more consistently reflect the entity hierarchy, placing Brands over Titles. This revision was applied to all Mediagenix On-Demand modules where quick search exists: Catalogue, Schedule, Catch-Up, and Rights.

Add schedule entries in bulk from Catalogue


Are you a fan of bulk operations? Then you might already know you can schedule in bulk from Rights. But what if you don’t use Rights, or don’t want to schedule from Rights? We’ve got just the feature for you - schedule in bulk from Catalogue.

Now you can filter, sort, and select a variety of titles in bulk with ease, and generate hundreds or even thousands of schedulings in a few seconds. For example - filter by genre metadata or tags to easily find and schedule every action feature in your library; or search by title to find and schedule every series within a brand in one go.

Thousands of hours, programmed in seconds, via the schedule in bulk from Catalogue feature.