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A new home for settings

June 29th, 2016 (Revision 3), download as PDF

We are consolidating the access to all the setting pages of our tools (Mediagenix On-Demand Id, Sequence and Mediagenix On-Demand) in one home page.

Having all the settings in one place will make it easier for our users to make changes in the configuration of their accounts. This will be particularly important in the near future, as we are working on providing you with new setting pages very soon.

This note describes those changes in full, and as usual you can contact support or your Technical Account Manager for further clarification.

Where are my settings?!

A new home for settings 1

It’s simple! From now on, in order to gain access to…

  • The Users management page (only owners)
  • The Teams management page (only owners)
  • Mediagenix On-Demand’s Platforms management page
  • Sequence’s Workflow templates page (only owners)
  • Sequence’s Email subscriptions page

…you’ll just need to click on the “Settings” link that you’ll always find at the right side of the top bar. That link will take you to the Settings home page that you can see in the screenshot above, from where you’ll be able to access all the Setting pages. In order to go back to Mediagenix On-Demand or Sequence, when you’re done changing your settings, you can use the new application switcher at the left side of the top bar.

A new home for settings 2


  • sequence#745 Link to settings page from top bar
  • movida#4937 Link to settings page from top bar
  • id#351 Settings home page
  • id#350 New top bar