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Scheduling suggestions

July 10th, 2018 (Revision 1), print this page

In a world full of rights, having a handy tool to get the most out of them would be great. Lucky you! We just added that to Mediagenix On-Demand, we’re calling it “scheduling suggestions”.

This note describes this change in full, and, as usual, you can contact support or your Technical Account Manager for further clarification.

Basically, the problem was helping you to get the most out of the rights you own, as simple as that. We found out that it wasn’t that easy, but we like a good challenge here at Mediagenix On-Demand, so we spent many weeks thinking and putting together the solution, and we’ve just released something elegant, simple, and very handy. Looks like this:


As you can see, now, whenever you add some content (with rights, of course) to the schedule, you’ll be presented with that new sidebar. There, you’ll find the most relevant suggestions to help you schedule the selected piece of content, by using the information from the rights to help you maximise their exploitation—those affecting more platforms and with a broader license window will appear on top. So, you pick one and we pre-fill the form on the left for you. Super easy:


Using the new suggestions is totally optional, and you can get all the information you need from that screen. If you want to have more details of the underlying right, just click on “more info” to get all that.

Things are never that simple, we know, so we made the list of suggestions dynamic: if you know which platforms you want to use, or the put up or take down dates, as soon as you fill in any of those fields, the list will refresh to present you with the best options for that specific combination:


This is just the first step, and we do hope you find it useful. Based on your feedback (please, send it our way!), we’ll iterate and make it even better in the future.

Happy faster-and-easier-than-ever scheduling!


  • movida#7596 Rethinking rights: scheduling suggestions