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Faster Linear Schedule API

February 3rd, 2017 (Revision 1), print this page

We improved the performance of the Linear Schedule API. If you import your linear schedules using our API, now your integrations will run much faster!

This note describes this change in full, and as usual you can contact support or your Technical Account Manager for further clarification.

Those of our customers doing Catch-up Scheduling need to use Mediagenix On-Demand’s API to ingest their linear schedules into the system. We recently detected that some of the more typical requests in this kind of integration were taking up to 3 seconds to process. This was not only causing existing integrations to take quite some time to run, but also it was stressing our infrastructure more than necessary.

Fortunately, our performance wizards are always up for a challenge, and they took good care of the issue. Those requests are now 40 times faster on average, and they never take longer than 100ms to process.

We hope this will save precious time and resources on both sides of any integration that uses our Linear Schedule API.


  • movida#5906 API linear scheduling slow requests