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Filter by multiple platforms in the schedule page

July 6th, 2015 (Revision 2), download as PDF

If your company in Mediagenix On-Demand has complex scheduling requirements you might be using a large number of Platforms, and to help you manage this better we’ve added a new feature to the Schedule page that lets you filter by more than one Platform.

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.

Filter by multiple Platforms in the Schedule page

Platforms Filter

The Platforms filter in the Schedule page defaults to All platforms as before but when you select the filter you’ll see that it now looks very similar to the Platforms filter in the Add to Platforms page:

Filter by multiple platforms in the schedule page 1

In this example you can see that the user has three YouTube Platforms to manage. Prior to the new filter being available they would have had to review each YouTube schedule independently which could be time consuming. But, it’s now possible to easily filter for multiple Platforms.

Filter by multiple platforms in the schedule page 2

To show just the Schedule Entries for all of the YouTube Platforms the user simply does this: clicks None to de-select everything, in Search for platforms enters youtube, clicks Select all, and then clicks Show.

To show the Schedule Entries for a single Platform the user simply needs to: click None to de-select everything, select (or search for) the relevant Platform and then click Show.

The new Platforms filter is particularly useful when you use it with the recently added feature that lets you filter for specific metadata errors.


  • movida#3726 Filter by multiple Platforms in the Schedule page