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Finding metadata errors in the schedule page

June 22nd, 2015 (Revision 3), download as PDF

The Schedule page shows the result of all your hard work, and most importantly shows you where there are problems with the Rights or Publications for a Schedule Entry. Problems with Rights do not stop you from publishing, but Metadata errors must be fixed before you can publish. A new feature for the Publication status filter lets you find specific Metadata errors much more quickly.

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.

Finding metadata errors in the Schedule page

A new filter, a new dawn!

When you select the Has Metadata errors option in the Publication statuses filter you’ll see an additional Metadata Error filter pop into existence:

Finding Metadata errors in the schedule page 1

That filter lets you search for Schedule Entries where the description of a Metadata error contains the text you enter. Remember, the Metadata errors you encounter may be very specific to your company and the platforms you deliver content to. Here’s a typical example of the Metadata errors you might encounter:

  • exhibition window: attribute editorial version is required
  • title: metadata Spanish:Spanish Short Description must be present
  • title: metadata Title:Brief Name must be present
  • title: metadata Title:Category must have at least 1 element
  • title: metadata Title:Medium Description must be present

When you filter the Schedule page and you see several Schedule Entries with errors there’s no indication of what the actual Metadata error is:

Finding Metadata errors in the schedule page 2

But, fear not! Now you can use the new Metadata Errors filter to narrow your search. In this example filtering for spanish returns just one Schedule Entry:

Finding Metadata errors in the schedule page 3

In other words, only the Schedule Entries with this Metadata error are being shown: title: metadata Spanish:Spanish Short Description must be present. Nifty!

It’s important to remember that the new Metadata Errors filter behaves like other filters in Mediagenix On-Demand and therefore phrasing is important. For more details refer to the release note for Elasticsearch in Mediagenix On-Demand and Sequence.

As an example, filtering for title medium will show a Schedule Entry with these two Metadata errors:

  • title: metadata Title:Title must be present
  • title: metadata Title:Summary Medium must be present

But, filtering for “title medium” (i.e with quotes) will only show Scheduled Entries where the Metadata error contains that exact phrase, for example:

  • title: metadata Title:Title Medium must be present

Sometimes what you don’t want is important too…

If you need to work on Schedule Entries that do not have a specific Metadata error then simply prefix your filter with a hyphen (-).

As an example, filtering for -“title:medium description” will only show Schedule Entries whose Metadata errors do not include “Title:Medium Description”.


  • movida#3768 Filter Schedule page by Metadata errors