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Contributors metadata in Reporter

February 27th, 2017 (Revision 1), print this page

We have just enriched the data model in Reporter, adding Contributors’ metadata. This note describes this change in full, and as usual you can contact support or your Technical Account Manager for further clarification.

Contributors in Mediagenix On-Demand record, in a structured and efficient fashion, details of the actors, writers, producers of the content in your title catalogue. Every Contributor has an ID, an image, a biography… You can also ask your Technical Account Manager to configure additional metadata fields, specific to your organisation, to describe contributors in more details. For instance, you could configure some additional fields to store Contributor information you have licensed from IMDb, such as Trivia or Personal Quotes.

We have enhanced Reporter, so that all Contributor metadata is now made available in your own Reporter data warehouse. With Reporter and the reporting tool of your choice (e.g., Tableau or Google Data Studio) you can create reports and dashboards using this information.

Need to find all Contributors in your catalogue missing IMDb Trivia? Or, to make that killer promo, you’d like to find all Academy Award-winning actors in your SVOD schedule for France in January 2018? No problem, you can now get that information easily from Reporter.


  • reporter#82 Add support for Contributor metadata