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Towards the new Mediagenix On-Demand Catalog (Part 3)

September 24th, 2020 (Revision 2), print this page

Last year we spent time speaking to a number of you in detail. From those conversations, we identified a set of visual and behavioural changes in the Mediagenix On-Demand Catalog that will improve the speed and efficiency with which you manage your content.

This is a major (and exciting) overhaul. As a result, we have chosen to split the design up into small, manageable chunks for implementation and we will periodically provide you with release notes that describe these …chunks.

…Let’s crack on, with Part 3:

Faster filtering with favourite filters

We have some powerful filtering capabilities in the Catalog page, now you can save your favourites!

Set up your filter exactly how you want it, then save and come back to it quickly whenever you need to. Maybe you want a quickly accessible view of your Summer comedy catalog:


Once you have some filters set up, you can edit them to create new versions. Making a small tweak here to create a Summer drama view:


It’s easy to search for existing filters

Screenshot 2021-06-16 at 12 25 53

and when you no longer need a filter you can delete it:


More flexible sorting

We have several new ways of sorting your Catalog results to match your needs, simply choose from the dropdown menu.

Screenshot 2021-06-16 at 12 41 42

Here’s how they work:

  • Last edited - Shows the most recently edited Catalog entries in descending order.
  • Last added - Shows the most recently added Catalog entries in descending order.
  • Name A to Z - Shows the Catalog entries in Name order, from A to Z.
  • Name A to Z - Shows the Catalog entries in Name order, from Z to A.
  • Relevance - This is the default sorting behaviour: How often does the search term appear in the result? The more often, the more relevant. A result containing five mentions of the same term is more likely to be relevant than a field containing just one mention.
  • Group by type - Groups the results by type, eg. Brand, Feature, Episode…. etc

We hope all these changes make it much easier to filter and sort your catalog!

As always, if you would like additional clarification on any of these changes, or if you have any doubts, you can contact your Technical Account Manager.


  • movida#9487 New catalog: saved filters (IX)
  • movida#9489 New catalog: sorting results (X)