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Support for promoted content in the Superset exporter

November 20th, 2019 (Revision 1), print this page

The importance of promotional content continues to grow and, as a result, the support for it in our products grows too. We recently introduced the ability to associate promotional clips to their promoted content (you can check out the release note here).

Back then, we said: “We plan to make further changes to these parts of the product in the near-future as part of a dedicated effort to offer more functionality for promotional content management.”

So here’s one of those changes! We are introducing the relationship between promotional and promoted content to our metadata publications. 🎉

The idea behind this is to enable promoted content and clips to be published to downstream systems, like a Content Management System or an Online Video Platform, so that the promotional content can be nicely presented to viewers.

So, what does this look like?

On publication of the schedule entry for a “promotable” content (i.e. a Title, Title Group or Brand), the clips promoting that content will be displayed within the clips element of the publication. Here’s an example:

    <clips type="array">
        <id type="integer">2866306</id>

On publication of a clip’s schedule entry, the content it promotes will be displayed within the promoted-contents element of the publication. Here’s an example:

    <promoted-contents type="array">
        <id type="integer">2804204</id>

We hope you find this useful and, as always, if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask your Technical Account Manager.

P.S. You can go to this documentation page if you would also like to read about how we present this in the API.


  • movida#5163 Add support for promoted content to the Superset Metadata Exporter