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Logout. Once more with feeling

November 26th, 2014 (Revision 1), download as PDF

Mediagenix On-Demand ID is our authentication and authorisation system that you use to access to all Mediagenix On-Demand applications. To improve security and provide a more consistent user experience, we’ve improved the logout feature.

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.

Logout really means logout

Our applications enable you to be very productive, and we’ve found that it’s not uncommon for our users to use multiple web browser windows and tabs to work on different content in Mediagenix On-Demand and Sequence at the same time.

For example, in one web browser window you could open two tabs for Mediagenix On-Demand and use another window in that web browser for Sequence.

When you click the Logout link in one of those tabs or windows you’ll be returned to the login window as you’d expect, and when you try to use Mediagenix On-Demand or Sequence in one of the other tabs or windows (e.g. clicking a link, refreshing the page, etc.) you’ll returned to the login page in that tab or window as well.

This helps in those situations where you logout of one tab or window, but forget to close or logout of the other tabs or windows you’re also using for Mediagenix On-Demand and Sequence.

The new behaviour stops somebody else from using your login session to update Mediagenix On-Demand or Sequence. We’ve got your back.


  • id#251 Implement consistent logout behaviour for all applications