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Textarea improvements

March 2nd, 2015 (Revision 1), download as PDF

What is a textarea and why did they need to be improved? A textarea is the name of a type of Metadata Attribute in Mediagenix On-Demand, used for things like Long Synopsis or Long Description. Unfortunately, they weren’t very long, so we improved them!

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.

textarea improvements


In the bad old times a textarea was only ever three lines tall; never more, and never less. If your Platforms supported nice long textual descriptions of content then it could be a bit fiddly to enter that in Mediagenix On-Demand. Much scrolling was required. We don’t like scrolling. Here’s an example:

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How long is that that Long Description? Well, now when you enter the textarea field (by tabbing or clicking) it will automagically expand like this:

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And, when you move out of the textarea field (by tabbing or clicking) it will collapse back down to its original size.


You can also grab the handle in the bottom right of the textarea to resize it as you desire:

2015 03 02 Textarea Improvements R1 03

We, as a team, welcome our new textarea fields and we hope you like them too


  • movida#2920 textarea improvements