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Reporter add-on

February 1st, 2017 (Revision 2), print this page

After several months working on it, we’re excited to announce the official release of Mediagenix On-Demand Reporter, a new optional add-on that allows you to query your data held in the Mediagenix On-Demand tools, using the reporting tool of your choice.

This note describes this change in full, and as usual you can contact or your Technical Account Manager for further clarification.

Data-driven VoD

The Mediagenix On-Demand products contain a wealth of valuable data about your VoD business: schedules, rights, metadata, publications, jobs… We live in the times of the Cloud and Big Data and, more and more, companies need full, unrestricted access to their data in order to power their analyses and answer questions unique to their businesses.

That’s the motivation behind Reporter, the latest component in Mediagenix On-Demand’s portfolio. It allows you to query all the data you store in the Mediagenix On-Demand tools and gain new insights into your operations: “How many hours of original content will I publish next month?”, “What are the CableLabs Asset IDs for all late deliveries last week?”, “What’s the ratio of jobs with QC problems each month?” and so on.


Mediagenix On-Demand Reporter does the heavy lifting of extracting, schematizing and loading your data from Mediagenix On-Demand, Sequence and Metadata into your own private dataset in Google BigQuery – “Google’s fully managed petabyte scale, low cost enterprise data warehouse for analytics”. It integrates natively with all major reporting and business intelligence tools, such as Tableau or Qlik. Create custom reports, publish dashboards to your teams, and slice and dice your data to your heart’s content.

We’ve been working on this project for several months, and today we’re excited to announce its official release. Most of the data is now ready for you to query, and during the next few months, we’ll keep enhancing Reporter until any reporting need you may have can be satisfied with the data provided by Reporter.

If you’re interested in learning more about what Mediagenix On-Demand Reporter can do for your organization, please get in touch with your Technical Account Manager.