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Prevent linear channel deletion

February 4th, 2020 (Revision 1), print this page

A while back, we added support for deleting linear channels via Settings - a functionality that was available to admin users. However, because deleting a linear channel implies deleting all its programmes, this could cause quite a few problems if done without careful consideration!

That is why we are now limiting that functionality.

So what has changed, exactly? Linear channels can now only be deleted by an admin user if there are no schedules, VOD rules, rights and/or deals linked to the linear channel in question. If there are, you will not be able to delete the linear channel. Here’s what you will see if you attempt to delete it:


But if the linear channel has no associations to worry about, you will still be able to delete it (after confirming you are super sure this is what you want!):



Furthermore, if you would like to delete a linear channel that has schedules, VOD rules, rights and/or deals associated to it, you can still do so - all you will have to do is contact your TAM about this, who will help you make sure this is the right approach, and once that is done Support will take care of removing the linear channel.

As always, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact your Technical Account Manager for further clarification.


  • movida#9659 Prevent deletion of linear channels from the UI