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Editing a scheduling

December 13th, 2013 (Revision 2), download as PDF

The process of how you edit an individual Scheduling in the Schedule page of Mediagenix On-Demand has changed, for the better!

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.


When you click the Edit link next the Scheduling of a Title on the Schedule page the new Edit Schedule Entry page is displayed, here’s an example for an archive Scheduling:

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Notice that the Starting (put-up) and Ending (take-down) dates are now entered using a calendar pop-up; you can also simply enter the date values. We think this makes the entering of dates faster and more accurate. These date and time values cannot be modified for a catch-up Scheduling. You can also use the new Delete Schedule Entry option to remove an archive Scheduling.

The behaviour of the Assets pop-up is determined by whether automatic Asset selection is enabled for your Company in Mediagenix On-Demand (see the release note from 10 July 2013). The options are:

  • Please select (if automatic Asset selection is disabled and an Asset isn’t selected)
  • Use most recent asset (if automatic Asset selection is enabled)
  • A list of existing Assets for you to choose from
  • Create a new asset…

Here’s how the Assets pop-up shows the list of existing Assets:

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When the Create a new asset… option is chosen then Mediagenix On-Demand suggests an Asset Name that is unique and based on rules defined for your company in Mediagenix On-Demand, like this:

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  • movida#1693 Edit Scheduling page
  • movida#1709 Fix asset selection and disabled inputs in Edit Schedule Entry