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VOD rule templates

February 25th, 2020 (Revision 1), print this page

We love templates at Mediagenix On-Demand. Anything that can reduce time spent with repetitive tasks is worth considering adding to our products! We’ve added the ability to create templates for VOD rules, to cut down the time it takes to create them.

VOD rules are complicated. We have added a lot of functionality to them over the years to help automate catch-up workflows. Having lots of options is a good thing.

However, a lot of the time, the same few rules will be used - 7 day catch-up from 1st TX, 30 day catch-up from the day after airing, etc. Typing those rules up for every series is time consuming!

With VOD Rule Templates, you can now save that configuration from your VOD rule and instantly apply it to the next one you create.

You can choose to add a template from the VOD rule page.

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Set up the parameters exactly as you would when creating a VOD rule, and give it a friendly name - your colleagues can use it too!

Next time you need to create a VOD rule, simply pick your template from the list to pre-fill everything.


Made a mistake with your template? No problem! You can simply edit the template and save the changes (please note, this will only apply to new VOD rules created via the template, existing rules will not update.)

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We hope this change has made your lives easier!

As usual, you can contact support or your Technical Account Manager for further clarification.


  • movida#9232 Add templates for VOD rules