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Catalogue and search result pages

April 22nd, 2015 (Revision 1), download as PDF

Our crack team of designers, front-end developers, and back-end developers never rest in their quest to ensure that Mediagenix On-Demand is the best choice for managing video-on-demand services! Hot on the heels of the recent technical Metadata management features we’ve implemented a new look and feel for the Catalogue page, along with a lot of behind the scenes changes that will help us add new features…

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.


When you open the new Catalogue page you’ll see that it has been simplified:

The poster images at the top of the page depict the Features, Episodes, Series, or Collections that you’ve recently accessed. Initially, Mediagenix On-Demand will list the 25 most recently added Features, Series, or Collections. At this point only the first 10 are shown, but when you filter the Catalogue then Mediagenix On-Demand will show 30 items per page.

2015 04 22 Catalogue And Search Result Pages R1 01

Notice that it’s easier to identify the type (e.g. Feature) of an item and its Licensor; the External Identifier and Tags are shown under the item name. If you click the icon next to the item name then the Schedule page will be opened, filtered for the item you selected. Nifty!

The new sidebar lets you easily filter the Catalogue so you can quickly find what you’re looking for (don’t tell Bono!).

The Licensor and Tags selectors are searchable which make it easier to find the Licensor or Tag you want to use, and the Metadata filter lets you search for values in all of the Metadata attributes defined for you company. You can combine all of the options in the sidebar to perform complex searches; to reset your filter simply click the Catalogue tab at the top of the page.


  • movida#3125 Complete the 1.5 design of Catalogue and Search results pages