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Filter by asset types in the schedule page

September 20th, 2017 (Revision 1), print this page

We have added a new filter to the schedule page, allowing filtering by Asset Types.

This note describes this change in full, and, as usual, you can contact support or your Technical Account Manager for further clarification.

As you know, an asset in Mediagenix On-Demand represents an editorial version of a title and, for the same title, you may have a “clean language edit” asset and a “explicit language” one. Recently, we added a feature to categorise assets in types, e.g.: “C3” or “D4”. That allows you, for now, to do things like changing the assets of a bunch of schedule entries in bulk, by selecting a type. Have a look at the release note for this functionality for more context.

We know our users work in the schedule page more than anywhere else and we thought it would be helpful to implement a few filter for asset types to make them as useful as possible. We did our magic and, voilà, it is working, have a look:

screen shot 2017-09-20 at 17 12 15

We hope this change makes it easier to find and change assets in bulk. Happy searching!


  • movida#6641 Add a new filter for Asset Type to the Schedule page