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Improvements to Sequence and Mediagenix On-Demand integration

September 11th, 2014 (Revision 1), download as PDF

We’ve made a small but very useful change to Sequence that improves its integration with Mediagenix On-Demand, hopefully this will make your day job that little bit easier!

This release note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.

There and back again…

For those customers who use Mediagenix On-Demand and Sequence it has always been possible to jump over to Sequence for a Schedule Entry by clicking the Show in Sequence link to show its workflow tasks.

However, if you’re working on a Job in Sequence and need to edit its Schedule Entry or find out more details about the Title that wasn’t very easy to achieve - until now!

When a Job in Sequence is linked to a Title in Mediagenix On-Demand you’ll now see a new catalogue link, and the scheduling windows date range is now a link:

2014 09 11 Improvements To Sequence And Mediagenix On-Demand Integration R1 01

Clicking the catalogue link will show the Title in the Catalogue, and clicking the scheduling window dates will show the Schedule Entry in the Schedule page. Easy!


  • sequence#264 Open Title or Schedule Entry in Mediagenix On-Demand from a job