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Schedule entry statuses in Reporter

February 27th, 2017 (Revision 2), print this page

We’ve improved the schedule_entries table in Reporter. This note describes this change in full, and as usual you can contact support or your Technical Account Manager for further clarification.

At its core Mediagenix On-Demand is a scheduling tool and users spend a lot of their day in the schedule page where they’re able to perform sophisticated filtering to find the content that needs attention.

To make sure that you can do the same in Reporter we’ve added the metadata, publication, and workflow statuses to the schedule_entries table.

The new column names and possible values for each status are:

  • schedule_entry_workflow_status
    • not_configured
    • no_workflow
    • pending
    • in_progress
    • completed
  • schedule_entry_metadata_status
    • not_configured
    • calculating
    • valid
    • invalid
  • schedule_entry_publication_status
    • not_configured
    • never_published
    • in_progress
    • not_in_sync
    • failed
    • failed_previously_published
    • published

And for consistency we also renamed the rights_status column to schedule_entry_rights_status. Happy SQLing!


  • reporter#80 Add the metadata, publication, and workflow Schedule Entry statuses