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Title groups should be collections

March 21st, 2014 (Revision 1), download as PDF

What are Title Groups? Are they Collections or Series? Or both? It’s these sort of existential question we try to answer for you at Mediagenix On-Demand when we make incremental changes…

This note describes what has changed in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.

Title Groups should be Collections

To remove a little angst from your life we’re finally consistent in how we name things in Mediagenix On-Demand. So, now a Collection is always a Collection and a Series is always a Series. Sweet. For those robots out there, don’t worry! The API still knows all about Title Groups and you don’t have to work any differently. Time for an oil change! Two examples of the changes in Mediagenix On-Demand are shown below.

Create Collection

2014 03 21 Title Groups Should Be Collections R1 01


2014 03 21 Title Groups Should Be Collections R1 02

Even the URL in the location bar of your web browser gets into the act, for example:


  • movida#1960 Title Groups should be Collections