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Metadata for images

February 2nd, 2016 (Revision 2), download as PDF

We’ve extended support for metadata to include Images, enabling you to record information relevant to the images you use to show off your content, and publish that additional metadata to platforms.

This note describes what is changing in full, and as usual you can contact support or your technical account manager for further clarification.

Image metadata

When you edit an existing image you can now update the metadata attributes that are defined for it in your Company within Mediagenix On-Demand. Here’s an example:

Metadata for images 1

Here you can see that the Countries and Promotional Text metadata attributes have been made available. Remember, metadata attributes are entirely customisable based on the requirements of your business.

This could be useful if you have territory-specific requirements to fulfil for images. In this example, you can see we have added these two extra attributes to provide the country and a textual description of the image content, to aid with accessibility tools for the visually impaired in the UK.

The metadata resource of an Image can be created, updated, and deleted using the Mediagenix On-Demand Application Programming Interface (API) as described in its documentation. Robots just love that sort of thing.


  • movida#4073 Metadata for images